Youth Group

Now more than ever our Youth need a place where they can connect with God and others.

At RGPC, we believe students need a safe place to be themselves while learning about Jesus' unconditional love for them. Our Youth Group is a "judgement-free zone" where we encourage one another to be exactly who God has created them to be. We offer monthly "Super Sundays" filled with worship, Bible study and a mission project. Every summer we spend a week serving God's people during our High School Mission Trip. We serve locally, nationally and internationally. We cannot wait to have you a part of our family because YOU are essential!

We also have our amazing team of adult leaders in

Scott Benton, Melanie DeBeadry, Joe Harrison, Adam Hughes, and Shannon Marzolf.  


Save These Dates

Wisconsin Mission Trip 2022

For more information on how to get involved with our RGPC Youth Group - email